Search Tips

Quick Search


Choose a term from the drop down menu for your search; the current term is the default.


Select an offering department from the drop down menu. A specific department must be selected for your search.


Choose submit to return a list of classes for the term and department you selected.

Advanced Search


Choose a term from the drop down menu for your search; the current term is the default.


Select an offering department from the drop down menu.

Show all sections:

The default shows only sections that meet your search criteria. Check the Show all sections box If you want to view all sections of the classes that may or may not meet your criteria.

Open seats only:

Checking this box shows only sections that have open seats.


Type in the course number you are searching for (ex. 101). Entering a 1 will return the results for all courses that have a 1 in the course number (ex. 101, 110, 310, 201).


Choose a start and a stop time for your class. Valid times are from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Entering an invalid time will reset it to the default time (6 a.m. to 10 p.m). Caution - this will also return the classes that are arranged (no set time).


Select the days of the week for your class. Most class days are Monday, Wednesday, Friday (MWF); or Tuesday and Thursday (T R). Please note - selecting a single day, such as M (Monday), will show all classes that include a Monday meeting date.


Select the number of credits you are searching for from the drop down menu. Blank is the default and it will search for all credits.


Type in the name of the instructor you are searching for (ex. Johnson).


Type in the title of the course you are searching for (ex. Intro to physics). Entering part of the title will return all courses that match that part of the title (ex. OLO will return courses like Ecology, Biology, and Archaeology).


The default is None (no preference). For a class that meets the U.S. Diversity or International Perspective requirement, choose one of these options.

Course Type:

Choose from the following:

  • Standard: no special characteristics
  • Experimental: courses that are not included in the course catalog. These courses are identified with an X as the fourth numerical character (ex. 101X).
  • Satisfactory/Fail: courses graded on S/F basis only
  • Online: courses offered via Web
  • Hybrid: courses offered in combined face-to-face and online course delivery into one integrated experience (synchronous or asynchronous)
  • Face-to-Face: courses offered on-campus in a physical learning space

Partial Term:

Use this option to search for courses that are less than one semester long (ex., half-semester courses, 9-week courses, etc.). You do not need to enter a date for the partial term.


The date default is Jan 01 - Dec 31. If you know a date for a class, you can change this field to search for a specific date. The corresponding start and end dates will be reflected when you change the term drop down menu. Dates for partial term courses also will show on the class display.